Celebration of UKYA: Problems, Improvements And Actions

So I think I left off at the planning stages of my project in my last post. Planning was pretty easy for me as it only required little time to figure out what I wanted to do. Sadly, now actually trying to get everything done, it's all way above me.

Initially I wanted to only focus on UKYA fiction but now realized that that limits me a lot in trying to encourage people to come to my book club, so I've had to just keep it to YA fiction in general.

So, fortunately, I can say it's not going to be a complete flop. The displays I wanted to do aren't going to be as lavish as I pictured them. However, I spoke to the college librarian and she was totally for the idea of putting a display of YA fiction up. We actually ended up talking about reading in general and how I feel that in schools we are pushed to read certain books, which people don't enjoy and therefore decide that they overall don't like reading. I made these small booklets of recs, 8 pages or so, and she was super nice and said she'd order some of them in!! (Damn, should of put more books that I haven't read on that list!! There are so many!) Haha, but I will be displaying books, hopefully, this week! I will definitely show everyone when I'm done with it ;D

As well as the display, I have also managed to book an author. I initially wanted to get two authors in but soon realized that with the budget given, two is hard to fit as well as the fact that I had to find authors who people will want to turn up to an listen to talk. I'm really gutted about this part the most because I guess you say that I wanted to get authors in so I could meet them... Although in the end I ended up asking people who've I've actually already met! I also wanted to get an author to do a workshop (more because I wanted to sit through an authors' creative writing workshop) but that has also had to be put aside due to what I can o with the amount I have. But I have one author booked and I am totally happy about that!!

My first YA book club is THIS Friday, and I am totally dreading that no one will turn up (I know the poster inserted has the 21st March written on it - I got rid of the 7th date on it so I have premade posters for next week :P)

Trying to complete this running alongside my A2 classes is crazy hard and I am starting to wonder why they didn't get us to do this in the first year rather than the second year!

But anyway, I just thought I'd give you a little update on my plans...It's nice to just be able to write about it even if no one reads it...

- Hope everyone is having a great week!

Sabrina x


  1. Hi just Discovering your blog were is this boook club? is it london or anywere in the uk think great desgain.

    1. Hey Jaden, it's just at my college...nothing too broad since it's only for my Arts Award! Thanks for checking out my blog! :D x
