Published: 10th May 2012 (Headline)
Pages: 336
They say I'm evil. The police. The newspapers. The girls from school who shake their heads on the six o’clock news and say they always knew there was something not quite right about me. And everyone believes it. Including you. But you don't know. You don't know who I used to be.
Who I could have been.
Awaiting trial at Archway Young Offenders Institution, Emily Koll is going to tell her side of the story for the first time.
Heart-Shaped Bruise is a compulsive and moving novel about infamy, identity and how far a person might go to seek revenge. [Via Goodreads]
My Thoughts:
I read this book after reading Dawson's books and it definitely brought the pacing down in comparison. It was slower paced but that didn't stop me from enjoying it, it definitely added to the eeriness to the book.
The layout of the novel was as if reading from a diary. We read about Emily almost in reverse order, as we know that she has done something, we just need to find out what and the 'deeper' answer to why. I loved reading about her session with her therapists as the story unfolds. She did everything with a purpose but with her reasoning I did find her a little weird. Her mind works in an odd way, which I didn't really see eye to eye with, but then the story really wouldn't of gone anywhere if she did what I would of done.
What freaked me out at the beginning was the times when Emily, spoke to the audience.*shivers* But at least it didn't happen as often, which disappointed me a little, and yet was grateful there was a stop to it because...it just freaked me out a little, with the already eerie storytelling and... *shivers*
It was a neatly tied ending and I can't complain for that. Nearer the mid-point I did foresee what was going to happen and for me, that's what brought this book down a bit.
It was a good read and I'd recommend it for those who prefer the easier going crime-type books. It was super easy to get through!
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