Currently an A-level student, 18, studying English Language, Media and Maths and living in the UK. Aspiring writer and publisher. I am a rambler.
I have a serious issue with buying too many books. It's become quite a big obsession which seems to be growing with my age....
My weakness is anything romance, the cheesier the better.
You can find me either sewing, crafting, baking, visiting museums, hanging out with friends, eating, drinking cups of tea or reading....sometimes fangirling over fictional characters or Divergent!!
Follow me on Twitter and let's talk!
I've moved - If you'd like to see a more up-to-date list please take a look at my new blog by clicking here
18th June 2014
2013 - Time to get back into business. Rebooting my blog after a few months of abandoning it. It's all a bit relaxed on my blog, doing it more for myself than anything else, but enjoy!
A bit more about this blog (and me)...
I initially wanted to be a celeb journalist, which is where my blog first came from. I set it up in Year 9, with another name, to experiment with my writing and what sorts of things I'd be writing about. I emailed around to find out what sorts of things I'd have to do to be on top but I soon found out that having second hand information isn't all that great and my sight was nothing I would of looked at myself. I gave up on that.
At the beginning of college is when I decided to reboot it. At the time, my sister was also creating a blog and I felt like she was competition so I scurried to get my design all flash and started posting reviews and opinionated posts more regularly.
Now, it's just something I like to do in my free time. It isn't my top priority but I like to type random posts here and there when I have time. I enjoy being able to put my thoughts in the book blog world, and love the fact that people read them!
So I really hope you enjoy my blog and thanks for stopping by!