To be honest, I can't remember anything that happened in January! It was March that things really started to pick up. Well, not on here. I didn't really have much drive blog-wise back in March. This is what really set my year off with a bang.
**Added further news that's happened, but everything in blue is after New Years! I really wanted to post something before New Years and I did (in a massive rush) but I've missed a bit out! So everything in blue is me going back and adding :)
Where it all started:
Book Events:
This was a trigger. After this event, I found myself checking book shops in London for different YA events and I just found myself hopping from event to event. Some author events I went to were just so out of the blue. The description said a YA author and I'd immediately jump at it. No doubt, I became a little obsessed. In October/September I went to four different events in three weeks!! It hit me bad.
I also found my going to not just author events talking about their novels but also events that are about the book industry as a whole. It was a real insight and everyone was super friendly as I "attempted" to mingle with everyone.
My last and final signing I went to this year was the Veronica Roth signing in London. Totally amazing. Waterstones hosted it and the demand for it was so large they moved it to the Prince Charles Cinema. It was so surreal. Then to then have a surprise guest, Shailene Woodley, and then have the trailer shown to us. Best way to end the year.
On top of that I volunteered to help a site called DivergentsUK - yep, I help on a Divergent fansite. I got to meet the owner, Rachel. You can read a round-up of the event by pressing the photo on the left. As well as meeting up with my booky friend who I made at the Waterstones talk with Maureen Johnson and James Dawson when I went to that event alone.
Online Happenings:
From the start of this year I occasionally blogged on and off, at the most a post per month. Probably only until September/October-ish did I really decide to give it another kick. Did an update post and created myself the twitter account @IHaveToRead_. I really didn't expect anything. But as soon as I started it up, I got this:
You should all go follow @IHaveToRead_ because she's new to Twitter and needs ALL THE FOLLOWERS!
— Lucy Powrie (@LucyTheReader) October 19, 2013
Uh. Then another.
Have you followed @IHaveToRead_ yet? She's new to Twitter and deserves lots of followers because she's so lovely!
— Lucy Powrie (@LucyTheReader) October 20, 2013
And slowly but surely I reached my 100 followers on twitter. What surprised me even more was when everyone else started saying hi to me too!
@IHaveToRead_ Good morning and welcome to Twitter :-)
— Nicola Hudson (@NicHudsonAuthor) October 20, 2013
@LucyTheReader Followed! Welcome to Twitter, @IHaveToRead_! :)
— Jesselle Villegas (@_jessellev) October 20, 2013
@IHaveToRead_ Hello!!!! Welcome to Twitter :-)
— Lisa M Forester (@lisamforester) October 20, 2013
I can't put everyone's tweet up but these were my first three, excluding Lucy's massive one. I'm still a bit confused on how I managed to get from 0 to 137, which is where I stand at the moment. I also want to thank all my followers, who've stuck with me through the weird tweets and just those I've interacted with, a special thank you to:
From everything from book blogging advice to random chatter :)
It's crazy how that every time I now tweet my blog links that someone ACTUALLY reads them! Like, word for word. Something even better that happened just today, I joined the list that Jim (@Yayeahyeah) made full of YA and MG Contemporary releases, which includes 24 other UK bloggers! It's a really nice boost of confidence in my writing especially because I don't like to share my work with any of my friends anyway!
And now I have to mention my two followers! (I have three followers but one of them is my sister so she doesn't really count, since in turn, I am following her food blog. Link here.) Anyway. BLOG FOLLOWERS! Was totally blown when I got an email saying I'd got followers. Direct blog followers! Seriously, Emmanuel and Beverley - thank you!
Phew, a lot of thank you's!
Personal happenings:
2013 also revealed to me what I want to do in the future. This year, I discovered what I want to do in the future after being a bit on the fence for quite some time. I was a bit nervous to tell my parents what I actually wanted to do. I initially wanted to go down the path of journalism, which I think they were more comfortable with me doing.
Creative writing, I know is risky, but is something that I am determined to crack and I can't wait to see what will happen next year (if and when I get all my replies from UCAS)
Another small boost on this route has been the fact that I entered my first writing competition and got into be a finalist. I had to read my piece out to a small audience but it was so much fun. Unfortunately I didn't win but after speaking to all the author judges (Holly Smale, C.J Daugherty and Sophia Bennet) it was really encouraging. - it was also a little awkward during that event because the other finalists were much younger than must be my Asian-ness that made me young enough to fit in..
Now it's 23:50. 10 minutes til the New Year. I can't wait to see what next year has got planned.
Thank you to every single person,
Every reader,
See you next year!
Sabrina x
Thank you for the mention Sabrina.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! xx
Happy New Yeah! That's a year full of discovering huh? I know how you feel. Blogging has helped me figure out what I want to study as well :) Next year you'll find me at university studying English Language and Culture.
ReplyDelete2013 was crazy year, but super fun! Lets make 2014 even better shall we ;)