100+ Followers on Twitter!

So you may have seen in my 'update' post that I created a Twitter account for this blog. The welcoming was so amazing and I never thought people would even start to follow me! It's now been a month, and as you can guess by the title: I'VE GOT 100+ FOLLOWERS! 


I am still a bit confused how that happened but I wanted to write a thank you to everyone and a special thank you to Lucy (@LucyTheReader) who gave me a shout out when I started!!! 

There are tonnes of other 'booggeeters' (boo/gge/eter - book blogger tweeters? ~ word mash up failed...) and it's really fun to have joined the community. I feel like I need to give you all an individual shout-out but that is kinda impossible, so, if you have twitter and need people to follow: GO TO MY FOLLOWERS LIST!! 

...I feel like I'm writing an acceptance speech or something...ahaha, but the fact that people are starting to look at my blog is a bit crazy, especially because when I first started it, it lay with no views. 

So yes, thank you every single follower.  

*Virtual hugs to all*

Until next time :) 

and if you don't know about my new Twitter: @IHaveToRead_ <- there's a link 

1 comment:

  1. No problem, Sabrina! I love your blog and have really loved getting to know you through Twitter too. Wishing you many more Twitter followers! :)
