Author: Maureen Johnson
Published: May 2008 (HarperTeen)
Pages: 336
Clio had her summer planned out with a boyfriend, almost, in the bag. Until her mum tell her about the news. Now she has to spend the summer with her dad. In Italy! On a yacht! How could that be bad? But for Clio, it's nothing but hell as she is "essentially kidnapped" on a boat with her dad and his 'crew' made up of Martin (her dad's best friend), Julia (her dad's girlfriend), Elsa (Julia's daughter) and Julia's oh-so-good-looking but annoying, Aiden.
So first thing I've noticed whilst reading books by Maureen Johnson is that she has a bit of a UK obsession. I haven't read one book yet where there isn't the mention of something British. Haha - I'm definitely not complaining though!
The main reason for which I even picked up Johnson's books are because of the humour and this didn't disappoint. This book is filled with charisma and humour. Johnson gets the balance just right, creating a narrative that feels very realistic.
Clio is a teen who wants to rebel. There's no doubt about it. Once she has a plan, she goes through with it. But with her ways she is clueless to what's right in front of her until it's taken away...Ooo, those stomach twists...but let's not forget that you can expect a little action scene hidden away in this book, it's not just a sitting romance.
I pretty much love this book. Love it. Love everything. From the stubbornness and determination of Clio to her dad's reason for dragging Clio away to the not so good...**oh, I can't say cause then that would be a very big spoiler**
This book certainly met my expectations after reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes and The Last Little Blue Envelope.
There have been certain elements that have been missed out, mostly involving the situations back home, which is disappointing but I wouldn't call it too much of a loss.
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