Book Review: The Perfect Game by J. Sterling

Title:  The Perfect Game
Author: J. Sterling
Published: October 2012 (Amazon Publishing)
Pages: 379

Cassie swears that she won't fall for Jack, the hottest guy around. Girls chase Jack everywhere. But with Cassie, it seems that Jack is doing the chasing and as much as Cassie denies the fact that she likes him, she knows there's something more. Before we know it they are together, but being with the top baseball player isn't such a smooth ride as she'd hope. Can she change Jack's old ways?


Urgh! I don't even know where to begin. I am just SO disappointed in this book!! I had such high expectations after reading some reviews.

I found the scenes in each chapter way too short and there was a definite lacking in description, especially during the beginning of the book making it much harder for me to "connect" with the characters. 

Book Review: Girl at Sea by Maureen Johnson

Title: Girl at Sea
Author: Maureen Johnson
Published: May 2008 (HarperTeen)
Pages: 336

Clio had her summer planned out with a boyfriend, almost, in the bag. Until her mum tell her about the news. Now she has to spend the summer with her dad. In Italy! On a yacht! How could that be bad? But for Clio, it's nothing but hell as she is "essentially kidnapped" on a boat with her dad and his 'crew' made up of Martin (her dad's best friend), Julia (her dad's girlfriend), Elsa (Julia's daughter) and Julia's oh-so-good-looking but annoying, Aiden.


So first thing I've noticed whilst reading books by Maureen Johnson is that she has a bit of a UK obsession. I haven't read one book yet where there isn't the mention of something British. Haha - I'm definitely not complaining though!

Book Review: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Title: Eleanor & Park
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Published: 28th February 2013 (Orion)
Pages: 327

Eleanor is the weird new girl. Park is the quiet Asian kid that she sits next to on the bus. Through connection of comic books, slowly but surely something grows between Park and Eleanor, surprising both of them. But through their comic book and mix tape exchanges can their first young love defeat all?


Eleanor & Park has been a book that I've been waiting to read for a long time. The book was cute but not as full filling as expected.

Busy Blogger.... (quick UPDATE!)

I have discarded my blog quite a bit, I have to admit. Balancing college and book reading/blogging is a tough job! Wow, how do people do it?!

Anyway, a little quick update...

  • I have finally managed to find time a little time between homework scribbles to read! So there are and will be some reviews that are going to be up this month and the next month too!

  • On top of this I have also opened a twitter account dedicated to this very blog! I know that on my personal twitter, I tweet very frequently so this twitter page should hopefully be filtered with everything...Books! Go go go --> @IHaveToRead_

  • In my earlier blogging I commented about joining Movellas, which I wrote about here, I don't know where to begin! It's been crazy being able to share my work and the feedback is amazing. I totally recommend it for every creative writer out there!! (This wasn't really much of an update, just a bit of ad, really)

Ok, now I'm off to write some reviews ;)

Social Media Week - Tech Tuesday: Storytellers on Social Media: The Author as a Digital Brand (24th September 2013)

So, a while back now, on the 24th September, I attended the Storytellers on Social Media: The Author as a Digital Brand during the Social! It was so much fun and I've never experienced anything like this event!

I heard about the event from CJ Daugherty, who I previously met at another event (YA genre panel also w/ Holly Bourne and Alexia Casale), and she advertised it on her twitter.

Transmedia stroytelling: Storytelling across multiple forms of media, with each element making distinctive contributions to a user's understanding of the story universe, including where user actions affect the experience of content across multiple platforms