Author: Marissa Meyer
Published:7th February 2013
Before you read this review, there is a HUGE spoiler so I recommend you read Cinder before you read this review (read at your own risk)
Scarlet is introducesdus to another fairytale with a twist. Scarlet's grandmother has been kindnapped and it's up to her to find out where she is. Along the way she meets Wolf...*hint* *hint* ...and he agress to help her. But can we trust a character who is known to be bad in the original Little Red Riding Hood?
Along side this we get a continuation from the last scenes in Cinder. We know that Cinder is Princess Selene and she is on her way out, as in she's gunna run. Throughout the book she is running away from the "evil" and trying to run towards those who may have answers about her being. Then, a strange turn of event, Scarlet and Cinder's stories collide together...
I love how Marissa Meyer is able to give these fairytales a modern furturistic twist to them, Scarlet - a girl who wears a red hoodie and carries round a gun = *pft* mind blown! But along with this she is a strong female character who really cares for people who are close to her. Sadly, she does carry a characteristic from the original Little Red Riding Hood but there wouldn't be a story if she didn't!
The book is well balanced with action and romance. Kia still carries the loyal role around and whatever he felt for Cinder he swears is gone...(but we all know that's not true) But the more I read this book, the more I started to dislike Kia. He just gives up a little too easily for me, as a Prince I expect someone to fight til the VERY end...He is just a character who just gives up...gave up on Cinder...gave up to Queen Levana at the end of Cinder. But we all have flaws.
Wolf and Thorne. The two new "side-kick" characters. I enjoyed Wolf much more than Thorne, Wolf bringing much more complexity to the book whilst Thorne was like the "comic relief" throughout the book. He followed Cinder and whilst she was all very serious about discovering her past, he gave the odd one or two comments that brought the mood up a little. I adored Wolf, his confusion and loss...loyality to his pack and his overal character build through the book. Wolf surprised me. The idea of the pack was different and was really interesting, especially about learning the rules that follow the pack. The ending between Wolf and Scarlet could be seen as a little cliché but I thought it fitted well with the themes in the book.
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