Author: Holly Bourne
Published: 1st September
This book is Holly Bourne's debut and it sure has got me excited about what she has in store.
What if your love was so strong it could destroy the world, without you even realising it?
The book follows Poppy, aged 17 and totally against the idea of love. The meaning is rubbish. It's soppy. Cliché. Ew! Enter Noah, the guitarist from the new band Growing Pains, and something inside Poppy changes. A tug. A draw. Something unexpected. Before she knows it, her and Noah are falling so deeply for one another, it terrifies them both. Their chemistry sets sparks. Makes the floor shake beneath them. But not in a metaphoric way.
So where have my book posts been?
You may or may not of noticed my absense from this blog for quite a while, but I can assure you that I am still well and alive. It's been a few more than 2 weeks since my post, so what's been happening??
I went to Peak District for a week. Now, that possibly couldn't of filled up all my time, so truthfully, I haven't been in the right mood to write anything. I have been reading a tonne of books but I haven't been bothered to sit down and write something presentable for this blog. My GoodReads page is fully awake and I am on that, but here I feel a little more "pressured" if I dare say. But with that, I am back and will try to work this blog back up again...for me.
With that aside you must be hear to read about the book signings. So over the holidays I've been keeping an eye out for author book signings or events that I want to go to. I have stumbled across one 1 author event/signing and 3 panel like events which have multiple authors (bonus!).
Young Adult Author Panel - Wednesday, Sep 4, 2013 at 6:00 PM
This event is in Blackwell's in Charing Cross, London and is totally free!! It includes a three author panel consisting of CJ Daugherty, Alexis Casale and Holly Bourne, all of which are British writers, which is a change for me because I side for American authors the most! Regardless of this fact I am super excited to attend this panel!!!
An Evening with Phil Earle and David Levithan - Wednesday, 2nd October 6:30pm
Here's another sneaky little panel to attend at Waterstones Piccadilly. Costs for the event is £5 but only £3 if you have a Waterstones card. Unlike the other events, I have heard and already read the books of one of the authors (David Levithan) so I won't need to stock up on too many books for this one ;P
UK vs.US: is any subject taboo in YA literature? An Evening with Tanya Byrne and Lauren Kate - Tuesday, 12 November 2013, 6:30PM
The last panel which I've found, this one is at Waterstone Piccadilly, again, which costs £5/£3 depending if you are a Waterstones memeber. UK vs. US is something that is so interesting to me especially because of my reading habit. I also think this is going to be great because it's not just a typical author event, this has a topic to the conversation and I'm very keen on hearing the authors thoughts.
Meet James Dashner - 2nd December
6pm - 7pm James Dashner will be at the London's Forbidden Planet megastore signing his new releasing book, The Eye Of Minds! This is also an author who've I have already read all his books and am waiting for The Eye of Minds to come out so this one is a definite.
I also am attending the TotallyBookBlog signing, which is bringing over some American authors and some UK ones in a massive room. But unfortunately this event was sold out last month, so sorry I didn't get to tell you guys sooner.
I am totally stoked for these book events.
I am, however, going to need to buy a lot of books this year, more than what I would like. So sadly, I have decided to not buy every book each author has written and maybe just buy the book that they are there to promote.
Let me know if you're going to attend any of these and we can totally hang out during the events! :D