That's right...I've become...inspired.
How? Why? When?

I guess you can say it was after attending that mini award ceremony and the discovery of Movellas. After going to the award show, I went to check out the site for myself....and now, I'm a new fledged movillain (a bit of Movellas lingo for ya ;) )

I have been told that this writing community is very welcoming and you are welcomed with open arms. Yes, this is definitely true! I've have tried out a creative writing site called Figment, which is American based, and in comparison with that site Movellas is ahead already! I've been welcomed with open arms and people are so aware of one another on Movellas, whereas I felt so lost in the billion people in Figment.

Another reason why I also transferred over to Movellas is also because of it being based in London and I found being on Figment I was unable to join in on any of the competitions because they were all American based (which I found so annoying!!!)

Anyway, as soon as I started I quickly transferred some of my old writing pieces over to start off with. One of the pieces is very old and the other a little newer...but both short pieces which I thought would be nice to have up as a little "starter". Another factor I love about Movellas is the fact that you can see if your piece has been read or viewed by someone else. It doesn't say who's read it, it just gives you a little number saying that someone has read a specific piece. Then like many social networking sites, there's a favourites button and a like!

As a consequence of being inspired, I have also decided to start writing again. I am desperately hoping that I can get further than the beginning chapters and maybe finish a semi-completed book (semi-completed meaning that I'd still need to going back to edit and tweak, a draft book). I have a good feeling about this one....fingers crossed it all goes well!

Anyway, I'd like to share my experience with the lot of you, the readers, here on my blog, find the link to my page below and I hope maybe you join too!

My Movellas Page

A short blog post today but I am super excited about becoming fully involved in this writing community and also experimenting out my writing, stretching it and improving it!

NOTE: I am not saying there is anything wrong with Figment! There are some great features that are on that sight, I love the reactions buttons and I will miss them loads. If you are an American, it is definitely a site to check out because the competitions are amazing! Many of the stories I've seen on the Huffington website on one of their sub-genre sites, which is how I discovered Figment in the first place. So just because I transferred, doesn't mean Movellas is 100% better. Just my thoughts :)

Sony Young Movellist of the Year 2013

So if you didn't know I am part of the Spinebreakers Editor crew and last night (16/07) I was lucky enough to attend the Sony Young Movellist of the Year 2013!

The whole competition was hosted on the Movella website with the help of Random House, The Reading Agency and the Sony Reading House which allowed people aged between 13 to 19 to submit their piece of creative writing. The winner would then get their books published by Random House to sell!!
 Not only this the judging of the whole competition was Malorie Blackman!

Here's my name sticker ^^
(I am a bit too proud over this ;P)
So I arrived at the King's Place for the event, meeting the other Spinebreakers out front. I've never gone to any of the Spinebreakers' events or any of the editorial meetings before so it was nice to finally meet everyone! Every started arriving at 6:30 where they served drinks and we got our own names and who we're represented on a sticker.

As we stood awaiting our time to go in we got to talk to Anna who is part of a publishing company that works digitally, CompletelyNovel. She also gave us her business card to keep! (To check out more about CompletelyNovel click here)

Entering the small hall at 7pm, the guests sat down amongst the 10 amazing young writers who were chosen out of the around 100 participants. As the presentation started we found out that Malorie Blackman was unwell and unable to attend, breaking my heart but I was still so amazed by their work I didn't feel like it was too much of a loss. Representatives of Movella gave us an introduction to the the lucky ten, where we then watched a short video of all those there and who they were, what they wrote and what inspired them. I was so amazed on the drive that each of them had! To even finish a novel at the age that they were is incredible and it is such an amazing achievement. I feel like I need to be more writing active like this lot!

The books in no particular order are:

  • Wings by Danielle Paige, 16 from Norfolk
  • My Corrupted Lungs by Kyra Schlachter, 16 from Essex
  • Girl with a Thousand Faces by Emma Yeo, 17 from Tyne and Wear
  • The Name On Your Wrist by Helen Hiorns, 19 from Coventry
  • The Lives We Live by Edie Dams, 14 from Brighton
  • The Art of Forgetting by Warona Jolomba, 16 from Warwickshire
  • The Thorn in My Flesh by Alexandra Morley, 19 from Kingston
  • Gift: The Rebellion by Saskia Ross, 16 from Buckinghamshire
  • I Dare You by Molly Looby, 18 from Essex
  • The Mendacii Key by Annabel Green, 15 from Somerset

  • Out of the ten the top three were chosen first who were: Kyra Schlachter, Helen Hiorns and Emma Yeo.

    Then the winner....

    She went to the stage to recieve her very fancy glass award, which was presented by Malorie Blackman's publisher, as well as a Sony Reader. She then got a chance to give us a speech that seemed so confident and easy for her. She was great, balancing her amazement and adding humour. (Much better than what I would have been like if I had to do any sort of audience speech!) Then on top of that we got to hear a cheeky extract from the first page of the book!

    After the ceremony, we were surprised by recieving a tote canvas bag which had Malorie Blackman's most recent book, Noble Conflict, and also a voucher which allowed us to recieve a FREE copy of Helen Hiorn's book. But then to my disappointment, when I did come home and try to recieve my free book, THE VOUCHER DID NOT WORK! I am so devastated because I think the whole idea of the book is great and the fact that she is only 2 years older than me and has achieved what she has....incredible!

    There were more drinks and some lovely canapés that were served after the show...they were lovely canapés....just saying. But we also met two other Spinebreakers editors who were in the top ten, Annabel Green and Emma Yeo (who was in the top 3!).  I didn't get to talk to Emma but I spoke to Annie for a bit and she is so nice...I am so jealous of her achievement and that she has her book printed for herself...

    All in all, it was a great night! A really awesome experience and now that I know about this competition, who knows, I may try out next year...?!

    Lastly, a big THANK YOU to Spinebreaker for allowing me to attend!!