On the 18th of April, Veronica Roth announced the title of the third book in the Divergent trilogy, Allegiant.

If you missed the video announcement of press the link below to watch the video


I was really hoping the title was "Detergent" - I don't know about you? ;)

When I first heard that Allegiant was the title, you could say I was slightly disappointed, it doesn't end in "-ent"!! But that is more of a minor point, it isn't such a long wait now though.

The title does build quite a bit of buzz about what could be inside, the definition of Allegiant?

" Definition of ALLEGIANCE

1a: the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord  b (1): the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a sovereign or government (2): the obligation of an alien to the government under which the alien resides
2: devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause "
We definetly know that there is going to be a war, can we expect back-stabbing and betrail? Loss? A death? What about the unforgettable family connection we learn about? Do they join together? Post your ideas below!

With the title announcement, fans have jumped towards their computers to make their own covers! There are so many now but which one do you like? Here are a few:

Is there one which you think has got it closest? What do you want to see on it? Which fraction is going to be on the cover? I'd love to hear your thoughts, or if you have made your own cover, post it below for everyone to see!

Spotlight Sunday: The Tiny Book Of Tiny Stories - HITRECORD & Joeph Gordon-Levitt

This is a new feature to my blog where I will spotlight certain things in the book world that I think should get spotlighted. Books varying from future releasing books, new releasing or already released, and not all sitting under the YA title!Maybe some websites that are great for those book worms, other blogs and much more!
For today's spotlight I have chose The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories, Volume 1 by HITRECORD and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. This book tiny book is full of 67 contributors as art and short stories are combined to fill this witty and clever book.

So what is HitRecord? The company was set up by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (yes, the actor and director) and his brother, Dan Gordon-Levitt. The website ( was launched in 2005 to share the thriving community of creativity in media including video, literature, music, photography, spoken word, performance, script writing, graphics and much much more! It has spread the creativity worldwide and in 2010 it launched a new scheme where contributor can charge for their individual pieces.

So here as I am writing this I have this tiny book, it does stick true to it's name, sitting next to me. It is a hard back book with crepe like paper bound around it  with the symmetric front printed on the front. The drawings in this book really reflects the talent that is around as they vary from page to page. 

The stories are full of wit with a combination of cleverly thought stories. It is hard not to smile as you read through the book.

I encourage anyone who has wishes to have a future with something creative to check out the HitRecord website, or maybe if you have a hobby which has some sort of creativity in it. It is a really nice website where you can view other peoples work...maybe do a bit of shopping at their shop?